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Formatting the Main Body within High-Risk Recommendations
Formatting the Main Body within High-Risk Recommendations
Kyle Barrow avatar
Written by Kyle Barrow
Updated over a week ago

Format your main body from the high-risk recommendations editor to make it easy for users to read and understand your custom recommendations.

Formatting Text

Start by highlight your text you wish to format. You can add headings, bold text, italics, underline, super script, add quotes, numbered list, bulleted list, indent left and right, align the text, add a link and remove formatting.

Changing Text Style

You can change your text size from normal to Heading 1 or Heading 2 by clicking the Normal dropdown. Choosing either one of those options with change the size and weight of your text. This is very handy when you wish to provide headings or sub-headings in tour body.

Inserting a Bulleted or Numbered List

To start a numbered list just type '1.' and add a space, then keep typing. This will become the first line in your list and pressing return will go to the next numerical point. Numbered lists look like this:

  1. First line

  2. Second line

  3. Third line

To start a bulleted list, just type a dash ( - ) or an asterisk ( * ), and add a space at the start of a new line, then keep typing. Articles will make this line the first line in your bulleted list. Bulleted lists look like this:

  • First point

  • Second point

  • Third point

For nested lists, just press tab with your cursor on a list item. Nested lists look like this:

  • First level point

  • Another first level point

    • Nested point

      • Deeper nested point

Press return twice to end a list.

Embedding a Video

Embed videos via YouTube, Vime or Wistia.

Click the Video Icon from the toolbar to embed a video from any of these supported video hosting websites by entering the video URL directly into the embed pop-up.

Adding a Hyperlink

Just highlight your text, click the Link Icon and enter the URL.

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