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Editing a Group

Learn how to edit an existing group.

Kyle Barrow avatar
Written by Kyle Barrow
Updated over 3 weeks ago

How to Reorganize and Customize Groups in Your Wellness Platform

There may be a time where you need to change the name of a group, add users or edit the High-Risk recommendations. This article will explain how to do this and more.

Reorganizing a Group:

If you want to reorganize groups, use the intuitive drag-and-drop feature to nest groups or alter their position. Simply click on the group you desire to nest and drag it to the new location/group where you want it.

This feature allows for easy organization and customization of your groups to better fit the needs of your organization.

To Edit Group Settings:

For more specific changes to a group, such as updating the name or managing users, hover over the desired group and click the 'Edit' button.

Within the editing interface, conveniently update the group name and users associated with the group.

This allows for easy management and customization of your groups to fit the specific needs of your organization.

Customizing High-Risk Recommendations:

It's often needed to customize high-risk recommendations for specific groups that are different to the default recommendations in the settings.

To customize the groups specific recommendations, click on the customization tab. From there you can edit the recommendations and specific instructions for your chosen group.

This feature allows for tailored recommendations and instructions for specific groups, ensuring the best possible wellness experience for your organization.

Click HERE to learn how to delete a Group.

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